Blog (EN)2022-09-15T11:01:39+02:00



Our entire team wishes you happy holidays and all the best for 2023!

By |28 December 2022|Our News & Events|

We have spent yet another intense and remarkable year, in terms of achievements, alongside our customers and partners. So, like every year, we warmly thank our customers for their loyalty and trust, which honors us. We would also like to thank our partners PCA, notaries, bailiffs, and our organic correspondents [...]


Apple is deprived of the trademark “Think Different”

By |15 June 2022|Uncategorised|

By judgment of June 8th 2022, the General Court of the EU dismissed the company Apple of its appeals against several decisions of the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). At the request of Swatch, the Office pronounced the revocation of the “Think Different” trademarks on the grounds that Apple had [...]


With great responsibility comes great power.

By |2 June 2022|Employment law|

This is not intended to be a presentation of the zero tolerance programme led by Rudolph Giuliani, the Republican mayor of New York City between 1994 and 2002, or even the lockdown campaign that has engulfed the world since 2020. This is a discussion on the general obligation of prevention [...]


Philippe Touitou interviewed by the daily LE MONDE: Behind the advertisements showing children with cancer, the excesses of medical tourism in Israel.

By |25 January 2022|Digital law|

An Israeli advertising campaign, showing children seriously affected by cancer, was broadcast in France and other countries at the end of 2021. By Damien Leloup, LE MONDE, January 24th 2022. Link : here


User manuals and instructions for use in French: the paper format is not mandatory, and the digital format complies with the law.

By |4 October 2021|Corporate law|

Instructions for use and user manuals for products sold in France may be validly provided in French in a digital format, viewable and downloadable on the internet or directly on the device sold. A senator recently drew the attention of the Minister of the Economy and Finance to the fact [...]

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